Monday, January 30, 2012

Good News

Alrighty, so I took some time off from blogging, but I've been making some great progress. I just met with Jackie Anderson yesterday and she said I am on the right track. In fact she said I could be ready for the WBFF competition in MAY!!! Holy smokes! An entire 5 months sooner than what I had hoped for!! She did say however, it would be 15 weeks of pure dedication, and spot on effort with my diet and exercise. Jackie will be my new competition coach to help prep me for the show. I'm excited because now I will have people backstage with me in KC. With Jackie comes her group of girls she is training, so its great to finally meet some people who have the same interests as me; oh, new friends!

If anyone wants to see the show it is in KC. Here is the info :
WBFF US Central  May 12th 2012

Venue: AMC Midland Theatre

The Midland by AMC
1228 Main Street
Kansas City, MO 64105
Main Number — 816-283-9900
Box Office Number — 816-283-9921
Pre judging Show  - 10:30am
Evening Show – 6:00pm

Prejudging is actually where they decide where you will place, Jackie said they will be about 90% sure. Judging is more of the show with the music and stuff for the crowd, but prejudging will be the most important for me. I'll be in the ametuer division, but if I win my division I'll be given a Pro Card... How sweet would that be?!

I will be starting a new diet called four hour body. Here is a link for that information:

It is very similar to the carb nite solution, however it has a little leway with legumes, avacados, and red wine. Check out the website for more info. I hear the book on it is really helpful.

Since I am going to competition sooner than I expected I will be going for a swimsuit fitting on Feb. 9th, and in the meantime looking for 5" clear heels, colors and designs of swimsuits, and a couture looking gown. At the competition the first round will be bikinis, second round evening gowns.

I need to get better at making myself eat breakfast each morning. Sometimes I'd just rather sleep, but sleeping won't help me win in KC, so.... moral of the story, get my ass out of bed.

Looking forward to tonights workout, I have a lot of steam to blow off....
My workout has changed a little bit, my body was getting use to the redundency, and I need to change it up, however I will be doing a ton more squats, lunges, cardio, bulgarian split squats, deadlift, tricep and bicep work. I have a new favorite ab workout which involves putting my legs up on a yoga ball in a plank position and then pulling the ball towards my hands with my feet. I will post todays workout tomorrow. Have a good one.

weight: 124.5

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Carb Night Completed!

Last night was amazing! We ate everything I wanted, and I was drunk off carbs! Now that I'm passed the first 10 days, I can start having a carb night once a week, that makes this entire thing so much easier. If I ever feel like I made a mistake, I will just start the ten days over again, but I don't make mistakes ;) jk.

Weight as of 1/18 - 125.0 lb.
workout on carb night should have been abs and tabata, but it was too late.

Kiefer explains that the next day or two after a carb night you should never weigh yourself or look in the mirror because due to the carb night you will be bloated from retaining water, you will weigh more, & basically feel like shit. However, that week as you get back into your fat and protein diet your body will end up burning more fat, and I will look leaner than prior to the carb night.

My next carb night will be Monday unless I choose to wait longer, in case I have any events or activities (aka birthdays, date night, parties, etc.).

I will do Tabata when I get home today, wait two hours, then do upper body and abs. I will not weigh myself for the next couple days, I'll wait till the morning of my next carb night.

Inspirational photos:

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 10 of blogging (tomorrow is day 10 for diet)

Ok... the 'Before' photos are in and they are quite embarrassing, however, this is all part of the process. I will endure the vulnerability to continue to push myself forward towards my goal. It should only make me want it more. aaaoohh boy. Here it goes... see below. Thank you.

coffee with stevia, green salad with ranch dressing (2 carbs), chicken breast with 2 tbsp of bbq sauce( 2-4 carbs), more chicken with chipotle mustard (0 carbs),

Sumo DL 6x8x45 (warm up)
squat 5x3x45,55,65,75,80
front squat 5x3x45,55,60, 65, 70
leg raises 5x3
calf raises 3x8

weight 126.4

The 'BEFORE' shots....

You can see why I'm so far off from where I need to be; ugh, I'm disgusting. Good thing I have till October! 

Now, for inspirational photos:

Days 6,7,8, & 9

Well hello again! Long time no blog. I haven't done the prescribed cardio, so I need to get back on track this week. Cardio should be taking place on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. I've lost inches in my thighs and my stomach. This is a good sign, even though my weight has not decreased a ton, it is more important to lose those inches.

Today is Tuesday, which means tomorrow is my carb night, and I am stoked! We have plans to go to jose peppers to have chips and queso, then bone fish grill for bang bang shrimp, and then cocoa dulce for gelato. It will be amazing! And I will have 2 glasses of wine that night, as well.

I've been running into a lot of nonsupporters lately, and I'd just like to say, to those of you who are working hard along side me, to take what those nonsupporters say for a grain of salt. We know what we are trying to accomplish and what it would mean to us. You know those same people will be there at the finish line saying "oh, I knew you could do it, I'm so proud of you" even though they may have tried to deter you in the beginning. People tend to do annoying things like that either out of jealousy, concern, love, or because they just do not understand it, until you accomplish it.

One day I began complainging to my husband "I can't do this. I'm never going to get where I need to be. I'm not good at this" He looked me in the eye and said "If it was easy everyone would do it." I was awe struck by what he said, because it had more depth to it than maybe he even realized.  In one sentence I heard my husband say "Quit complaining, your better than that, you are trying to accomplish something thats not easy; you know it's not easy. It's going to be hard, but I know you can do it, I've been watching you work hard at it. Not many people are like you. You are not the masses"

My mantra: If it was easy everyone would do it. I am not everyone, I am few. I will do this.

Oh, how did I get that out of just one sentence? It was his words, tone of voice, and the look in his eye.

Diet- egg & cheese with some chopped onion and green peppers (4 carbs), salad with tuna, egg, cottage cheese, bacon, chicken, ranch dressing (6 carbs), ham (4 carbs)
Workout: none

Diet-coffee with heavy whipping cream, eggs and bacon, almonds (2 carbs), caesar salad with chicken (2 carbs), chicken cheese lettuce mayo (4 carbs)
Workout: DL, pull downs, DL, rows, face pulls,

Diet- salad with chicken, bacon, egg, cheese, and ranch dressing (say 12 carbs), 2 sauges(2 carbs)
Workout: none

Diet- coffee with heavy whipping cream, broccoli and cheese, 17 pepperonis (6 carbs), steak strips, coffee with half and half(1 carb), salad with ham, bacon, egg, chicken, carrot strings, tomato, purple cabbage, ranch dressing (I tried to eat around the carrots and cabbage as much as possible but just to stay on the safe side I'm going to say I had about 15 carbs from this salad), coffee with half and half (1 carb)
Workout: push ups 3x10, incline bench 5x3x50, bench 5x3x50, pull ups 3x10 , chin ups 3x3, tricep pull downs 2x10

weight 127

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 5

Alright. I'm getting better with the diet. Thanks to Fox Ridge Restaraunt I was able to meet with a customer for lunch and not ruin my hard work; pretty excited!

I should be getting my phone chord tomorrow and I promise I will get my picture posted. Until then, check out training logs and fitness tips for more advice from the pros!

Weight: (last night 125.6) 127 this evening

Exercise: arms and abs
Chest Stretch 2x30 sec
side raises 3 sets x10 lb.
over head press 5 sets x 3 reps x 45 lb.
floor press 5x3x45
db press 3x10x10
ab roller 3x10
wood chops 2x10 (each side)
land mines 3x20 with 45lb.

coffee with 2 tbsp. half and half (1 carb)
1/2 cup pecans (4 carbs)
1/4 lb. beef patty with cheddar cheese, bacon, and lettuce, house side salad (4-6 carbs from dressing on salad and burger)
2 eggs, 3 bacon strips, coffee with coconut milk oil (0 carbs)
one celery with 2 tbsp. peanut butter (5 carbs)
one pickle spear (1 carb)

If you are trying out a similar diet with me do not use sugar substitutes such as splenda, sweet n' low, or anything with sucrulos or aspertame. ALWAYS use STEVIA. Check this link out for more info:

and like always... Inspirational photos:

Jessica Anderson - fitness bikini - fitness models female - female fitness models
Image Hosted by

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 4- only 6 more to go till my Carb Night!!

I'm struggling today because Im still not eating enough. I want those carbs... my body is craving them. I won't give in though.I have to keep my eyes on the prize, after my 10th night I will be able to have a carb night every 5th night. I only have 6 more days to go till my 10th day. On my 10th night I will get to enjoy carbs starting at 4pm; that's next Wednesday the 18th. The husband and I plan to go to Bone Fish Grill and then eat some homemade ice cream.

For those of you who know me, I truly enjoy a couple glasses of wine. Unfortunately, I will only be allowed to have two glasses of wine each carb night. This is where things become difficult. The friends want to drink, eat out, and what not. I can't do those things, I want this too badly.

I guess if it was easy, everyone would do it. But this causes mixed messages for my friends "yes I do want to hang out with you but I don't (because you want to do things that will ruin my dream)".

Well enough of my ramblings. Below you will find tonight's workout, today's diet, and an inspirational video. I'm still waiting to post my "before" picture but I have to do it soon because things should be changing by my 10th night.

Exercise: none ( I was supposed to do abs and sprints. Due to the weather, I will replace the sprints with the tabata method) Any cardio must be completed, I think it's, two hours from weight lifting. This means I will have to do abs Thursday in addition to my usual Thursday workout, and tabata on Saturday.

breakfast- 2 tbsp peanut butter on one celery (5 carbs)
snack- 2 tbsp. butter on celery (5 carbs)
lunch- 8 turkey pepperonis and 1/4 cup almonds (3 carbs)
snack Cheddar cheese
dinner- 2 eggs, 3 strips thin bacon
snack- pickle (1 carb)

Day 3

Sorry, internet was down at home last night. Yesterday was day three. I need to try harder with my diet; I'm not eating nearly enough. Let that be a lesson to you. I should be eating 1250-1500 calories a day (depending on the workouts). I should be having about 60g of fat and 130g of protein. I keep leaning on the side of almost too much fat. Eating enough fat is a key component to the diet, but if the majority of my calories are coming from more fat than protein, then this won't work, so I gotta get my ratios right.

Tip: if you are ever doing a  diet where you are hungry all the time it is either 1. a horrible diet or 2. you aren't doing it right. In my situation, I'm sucking it up.

sumo deadlift 3x8x45
squat 5x3x45,55,65,75,85
front squat 5x3x45,55,60,70,80
leg raises 3x8
calve raises 3x8

breakfast: coffee with heavy whipping cream (0 carbs)
snack: none
lunch: 17 turkey pepperoni and 1/4 cup pistachios (5 carbs)
snack: 1/2 cup of almonds (6 carbs)
dinner: 2 eggs and 2 cups of coffee, one cup with heavy whipping cream
snack: celery with peanutbutter (5 carbs)

weight: 126 (not any true weight loss, most likely water weight- 60%)


Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 2- really starting

Today I started my Carb Nite diet by John Kiefer. I didn't exactly nail it, but at least I had less than 30g of carbs (dietary fiber does not count towards carbs, although they are included in the total carb count; you must subtract them out). For those of you who are not familiar with Carb Nite, the diet allows for only 30g of carbs a day eating healthy fats and protein only (lettuce spinach, and some other greens are great to eat; absolutely no fruit).

This all protein and fat diet continues for 10 days, on the 10th night, pay close attention this is the key to the success of this diet, you are allowed a carb night in which you are encouraged to eat desserts, pasta, and other carbs you may be missing. The day following your carb night you return to the low carb, high protein and fat diet. I am then allowed a carb night once a week as long as they are a full 5 days apart. To learn more about the chemistry and research behind this diet please refer to John Kiefer's book Carb Nite Solution. with a diet like this I will need to invest in some sort of high fiber, soluble, drink mix aka Metamucil.

Today's exercise was bench and a few other arm things (see below); even taking a week from lifting my lifts become stronger. That is pretty exciting.

Breakfast coffee with stevia and 2 tbsp. heavy whipping cream ( 0 carbs)
snack none
Lunch Caesar salad with grilled Chicken (4g carbs in salad dressing)
snack coffee with 2 tbsp. heavy whipping cream and stevia, emerald nuts- 22 cocoa almonds (3g carbs)
dinner 2 eggs over easy, ham, and two slices of cheddar cheese (6g carbs)
snack none

warm up: push ups 3x10
bench 5x3x45,50,55,60
incline bench 2x3x50 (ended with)
BB curls 5x3x45
chin ups 3x3
pull ups 3x8
tricep pull downs 2x10


I still have not taken before pictures. I'm waiting to get my chord to hook the ol' phone up to the computer. I will have a once a week weigh in, and every other week I will take my measurements.

Bellow is some inspiration

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Beginning

I've been doing this for awhile; the whole workout and eating healthy thing. I need a goal, something to aim for, to keep me on the right track. I am convinced that having a goal will keep me motivated to reach the desired physique, and take me to the peak of fitness that I've dreamed about. This is NOT a narcissistic desire, or an eating disorder, or an impaired image dysfunction. I want to accomplish something, and I want to push my body to a place that only the very few ever go. It's more about the determination, self will, and work ethic... the body will just end up being a means to showcase those characteristics to the public; letting my body be my resume... it is the first thing people see.

So what is October's hope? ...... To place in a fitness competition during the month of October. There are a couple different kinds, but no worries, I have no desire to do body building, so chill out. The categories include Bodybuilding (not for me), fitness (this is where they look like bodybuilders but do tricks... um, no thank you), physique( get super lean and may terrify the kids), figure ( I don't know..), and the category I'll be competing in, Bikini.

NO, this is not a South Padre bikini contest followed by a wet T-Shirt contest; sorry to let you down, boys. This is professional  fitness with goals and rules, and what have you. Ingrid, here on the right, is an example of where I want to be, hopefully by October (except minus the boobs, because we all know hers are purchased and where would I get the money for that? You feel me?).

In order to reach these goals I will hold myself publicly accountable through this blog by posting day by day my  weight, inches, diet, workout regimen, and occasional pictures of myself. This last item here will be particularly hardest about the accountability part, because it will either prove or disprove my commitment.... the camera does not lie.

I will be following a diet and workout laid out by my power lifting husband, acting as my trainer, whom has done extensive research in these areas of exercise and fitness. He will have me following a diet called Carb Nite by a physicist named John Kiefer, and will provide me with a mixture of workouts from Kiefer, and some workouts the husband may create or altar.

And so it begins, on this day.....

Sunday, January 8th, 2012

height: 5' 3 & 3/4"
weight: 128.2 1b.
left calf  13 & 1/4"
right calf 13 & 1/4"
left thigh above knee 15 & 3/4"
right thigh above knee 15 & 3/4"
left thigh 23"
right thigh 23 &1/4"
hips (butt included) 38 & 3/4"
around love handles, right under belly button 32 & 1/2"
waist 26"
bust 34C
left arm 11 & 1/4"
right arm 11"

Diet ( tomorrow I start my diet, in the book it says to get your bad habits out of the way)
Breakfast: none
snack: none
Lunch: ultimate meat and cheese burrito, java chiller
snack: none
Dinner: 3 beers
snack: none

moved boxes and furniture from rental house

I will post my "Before" picture once I have a chord to hook up to the computer, and I will add my workout and the rest of my diet at the end of today ( I start the Carb Nite diet tomorrow). As you watch my progress and growth, I will be open to discuss any struggles, experiences, tips, and advice with anyone.

Think Big, Win Big