Sunday, February 17, 2013

It's been a while

Oh, why, Hello....

It certainly has been some time since I've posted in my blog. For those of you who are dedicated followers of my self transformation and journey, I apologize. So, I do have A LOT to catch you all up on. Since I have been back from Toronto, the following has happened:

1. began doing Demos for Allmax and iForce (now only working with Allmax) - these are supplement company's with product lines. Allmax makes isoflex, hexapro, aminocore, muscleprime- honestly, best product line out there
2. began taking steps into working with children to start my work on developing children health awareness programs
3. interned at Pureformance Training working with middle school and high school athletes
4. Featured in Vitality Magazine
5. Became a certified personal trainer through NCCPT
6. Currently working as a personal trainer for Genesis Health clubs
7. Did an off season photo shoot with Steven Smith (he trained under David Bickley)
8. working on muscle gaining
9. Play on a coed soccer team
10. I will soon begin posing clinics
11. will begin planning my attack on Las Vegas for World Championship round II

Right  now I am weighing in at about 125lb. at about 17% BF That is ok (I'm not really ok with it, but on the average it is ok)... but not preferred. It is time to start cutting some fat, I would like to get to 115/118 lb. at 12-14% bf... preferably 12%. then maintain the BF while increasing muscle mass. I have some time, so I should be able to do this by Worlds, which is August 23rd and 24th. Always a work in progress.

Right now I am doing split body workouts, using rest pauses for my rep sets. Following my photo shoot I took 4 days off from my diet... I probably should have stuck to one night... but, seeing how I don't have anything coming up for a while, I allowed myself those extra days. However!! It is time to get things on track; see ya fluff!

Once I get an idea of what pictures are being submitted to any fitness mags, I will post pictures from last weekends shoot ( I can't post any being submitted, magazines will not publish pictures that are already out and about floatin' around).

Now, I am going to be quite honest here, I have been bouncing around the idea of getting implants... no pun intended... lol. Now now, I know what you must be thinking "how narcissistic". But you see, ( well no I guess you don't, so let me explain), I don't want them because I am concerned how I appear to the world. I want them so that when I cut fat, I'm not embarrassed, especially after all that hard work. I think my fitness friends can relate. I don't want to feel  uncomfortable getting intimate with my husband because at 12% bf, there really is nothing left. I want to feel feminine, and not "sexy" but comfortable, especially after all the hard work.

Then again, here is the other side that has kept me from really pursuing a surgery like this, I like that I am all natural in every way. When I stand next to other women on stage (or off stage), I have confidence knowing I didn't alter my appearance with surgery. This could inspire the general public, because they could see themselves achieving a higher level of fitness, too, because my look may be more realistic to them. And, the reason why I am doing this is to get other people inspired to live healthier lives. When I get leaner, 'they' aren't gross or deformed, they just aren't as big.... I mean far from it, haha...

I dunno, I'm still playing this game of tug-of-war, battling it out with the pros and cons list for implants. I haven't made any clear decision yet, but I may be leaning towards staying all natural. It's a touchy subject for some, but this is my online diary, so lucky you, you get to hear it all ;)

As I train clients and train for Worlds I will continue to update you with my progress. I will try harder to provide you with helpful training tips, my current training info, and anything new that may occur along the way, on a weekly basis. Next week I'll post photo shoot pics.

Training Tip of the Day:
- When performing a shoulder shrug to increase trap size, aka in order to get YOKED, try using a straight bar on a cable. Instead of squeezing shoulders up towards your ears, squeeze shoulders up at a slight angle towards the center, base of your cranium, aka dome piece. This will ensure the best lengthening and shortening in your trap to allow for optimal hypertrophy aka awesome growth. Please refer to image below.

You're welcome ;)