Thursday, June 21, 2012

I, I, I , I workout!!!

I've been staring at this screen trying to figure out what I want to tell everyone. Not because I do not have anything to share, but because I feel as if there is so much to share!!

My brain has been mush lately due to late hours of sponsorship event prep/brainstorming, training, working on a new family business, researching, and looking for a new job more related to the fitness industry or other potential career paths aka Children's Health Awareness Programs.

 This is something I mentioned on my facebook, and I have got to stress it again, maybe more so for myself than for everyone else. Diet and workout are an obvious for any healthy lifestyle, but we cannot forget about sleep. Lack of sleep can cause stress, increasing cortizol levels, causing weight retention or gain, it can make us feel bloated from water retention, and its just plain uncomfortable. I need to take my own advice here, and get more sleep. Some people pride themselves on how well they can opperate on such little sleep, but honestly, I find that just plain stupid, not to mention unnecessary. There is nothing wrong with getting an appropriate amount of sleep.This does not just go for those of us with more than average training goals, part of our training is mental (even if you aren't training for a meet or competition), mind over body to push through our workouts, and if we do not have a good amount of restoration, not only for our bodies, but our minds as well, then our workouts and nutrition will suffer.

So there, I admitted it. I need more sleep, I've been sucking it up in that department, and I NEED TO DO BETTER... so I will. However, Thanks to GreenLeaf Chiropractic I have been getting my multivitamins, vitamin D3, Omegas, and probiotics everyday; which are the 4 most important and basic essentials to a healthy diet. So get in touch with Dr. Robin, she is awesome, she will get you set up with the essentials your body needs to keep you happy, fit, and living longer.

Next on the agenda, I believe are my upcoming events/activities:
June 23rd- Andover Chamber Golf Tournament
June 30th- Cookie Daze 5k race
July 18th- Golf Fundraiser
July- Submit photo for Harley's Angels
July 21st- attend Heartland Championship
July 28th- (if chosen for top 30) participate in Alef's Angels Contest
August 23rd- Leave for WBFF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP- Let's hope I have the money to go

Weight (as of 6/21): 116.4 lb.

Training: following Bryant workouts, and let me tell you, he is murdering me... and I kinda like it, ook I like it a lot. I do upper body mondy, legs Tuesday, cardio Wed, shoulders/upper body thursday, back/tris & Hams Friday, cardio saturday and off Sunday ( I do some type of cardio each day)

Favorite Training Songs (currently): Eyes Open- Taylor Swift, I workout- LMFAO, ET- Katy Perry, Under Pressure- Queen, Circus- Britney Spears, anything ACDC, Titanium, I am Woman- Jordan Sparks.. I have way more, I'll have to find my list that has less lady music and has my manly stuff that makes you want to pick up a 45lb plate and bash skulls in and what not.
Diet: Still carb cycling (you can find the foods I'm eating in previous post), no cheat days. Water intake needs to be increased to a gallon or more a day, it takes water to lose water!
If you are interested in learning how you can Carb Cycle, click the link to get started (note the portion about cardio :) !)

I will post a progression shot at the end of this week so you all can see where I am in relation to my training. Like I have said previously, I had to put on some weight to begin bulking and gaining some muscle for worlds, however, we are slowly burning some fat to ensure I peak at the appropriate time for the competition in 9 weeks.

Oh boy, 9 weeks. I am still looking for sponsorships, as I have mentioned previously, if you are interested in becoming a part of my journey feel free to visit Sponsor HK to help me make it to Canada! I need to purchase tickets soon, as the prices will be going up the closer it gets to the time of the competition, hopefully I will have enough money raised following my fundraiser on July18th.

Currently I am working on studying for my NASM test to become a certified Personal Trainer and help some people out. You better believe I'll be all over this blog lettin' you know when my doors are open. Currently  I am just working with some friends to gain experience and begin some files. One of my friends is a vegetarian so I am getting to do some research all about how to create an effective diet and workout plan for people with allergies and specific dietary needs. It is pretty challenging and fun!!

Well boys and girls, I think that is all I have to report on for now. Shoot me a message and let me know of any topics, events, info you want me to chat about!


These women did not get this way by starving themselves, or running everyday.... THEY LIFT WEIGHTS!!!! :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Search Is On

Hello Friends!

Since we have visited last so much has happened. a couple things have come to fruition. First I will be having a photo shoot with Mary Kay for a before and after modeling contest; that is this Saturday. Next, I will be judging a bikini contest in west Wichita on June 15th at The Scene-ary for the 2012 Summer Kickoff "Official Beach Bikini Bash". I am looking in to having a pic/signing booth to help raise money to compete at Worlds. You can find the event on FB as titled above. Hope to see ya'll there! I'll def post pics from this event and give you all the juicy details; can't wait :)

The next great news is.... I found a sponsor!! GreenLeaf Chiropractic and I will be teaming up together to promote one another ongoing and with future events, as Robin Henderson has agreed to sponsor a portion of the funds necessary to go to Worlds. It was just what I needed to get the ball rolling. I am excited to be apart of GreenLeaf's promotions. The best part is, I love what they do, I had such a great experience with them, their supplements and products are phenomenal, and Robin is so well educated in what she does. The decision to partner with GreenLeaf Chiro was a no brainer. visit their site by clicking here, GreenLeaf Chiro, to learn more about what GreenLeaf Chiropractic can do for you.

Due to the time crunch I have to raise money fast. I have now created a website where anyone can go and donate money to help me achieve my dream. From 25 cents to $2500, it does not matter, anything will help. You can click the link here,  SPONSOR , to be a part of my story by donating to help me get to Worlds! The link will take you to a website, which is similar to a profile. Please feel free to read the message, and any updates I may put on the site.

So I was able to get back up close to my goal weight at 119lb. so I can begin to build muscle. I have a new trainer, Josh Bryant, who also has trained my husband in the past for power lifting. Wanna know more about what Josh can do for you, visit his site by clicking the following link, Josh Bryant. Now, now. Let me clarify the situation, because I know what you are all thinking... "WHAT?! What happened to Jackie... you trader!!!!" ... and if you're not thinking that, well that's how I feel. Jackie did an amazing job training me, and I am still close friends with her and will recommend her over and over and over to everyone, please click on the following link to be in touch with Jackie Anderson so she can get you your Pro Card too, Jackie FREAKING AWESOMENESS Anderson , you will also be able to find Jackie hangin around GoTime Fitness here pretty soon, so check out Kalene smith's new gym, and tell them Heather sent you!.. hehe. so, let me give you the DL on what happened. I'm gonna do this fast so keep up...

Husband and I were not getting enough time together, we thought it would be best if husband trained me for a while, husband needed a break from training so to speak, husband had already paid Josh, Heather had not paid Jackie, husband took a break, Heather took husbands spot with Josh. So that is that, everyone is happy, I still see and workout with Jackie often! So July 21st Jackie and my training partner, Julie B. will be competing in a show here in Wichita, it is called the Heartland Championships. I will be there watching them win! I am so excited to see them get up on that stage and do there thing. I've never been so proud before!! :)
If you are thinking about training for a competition please feel free to FB me with any questions or good contacts. Looking for a suit? Check out Glorious Designs here in Wichita, Vanessa made my suit for the US Central Championship, and her work is absolutely remarkable, timely, and cost effective.

See below for my daily schedule, workout and diet:

I put my schedule in, because as I train I often wonder what other competitors do with their time.. are their lives as busy? When do they make their food for the week, on Sunday like me? What ARE they DOING?
I dunno, it's a curiosity thing...but no secrets here! See below
Daily Schedule:
5:30am get up/ drive husband to work
6:30/7 arrive at YMCA, maybe get in some cardio, train Denise (I am doing training for the every day person, Denise is going to be my testimonial person )
7:45 get ready for work
8am get to work
5pm go to YMCA
5:30pm Train Sunny- if sunny is running late call on sponsors
7pm train using Bryant's workouts (Josh trains me via email)
8pm cardio
8:30 drive home
9pm arrive home
9:15 shower
9:30-11 work on ideas for promoting, and ways to raise money for worlds, writing up workouts, researching new training methods, clean the house etc.
11/1130 got to bed
530am do it all over again

* you may see why I am having a hard time finding sponsors. There are just not enough hours in the day, but I will keep trying. If a group of people donated $20 a person, I would def have enough to go to Worlds.

My workouts are vigorous... I'm doing even bigger and heavier than before. I'm lifting heavy four times a week, and doing cardio 6 times a week. I'm getting used to the new training method, but I do love it. I love pushing myself, it feels amazing.
tonight I'm doing some lifts I've never done before, around the worlds, and Arnold Press. Excited to try these out, and I think you should too. don't know what these are? well they are awesome for your upper body. Click these links to see how to do them Arnold Press and Around The World Exercise .

And remember, when doing cardio, HIIT is best.. go ahead and google that one.

At some point I am going to ask Josh if we can try Hack Squats, I've never done them before and always thought they looked quite interesting.. when we get to that, I'll take a video of myself doing them and post it right here for you!

Pretty plain... back to egg whites, oatmeal, tilapia, broccoli, sweet potato, protein, black coffee, tea, water. I  am on a carb cycling diet, so my ortions in carbs, protein, and broccoli vary depending on the day of the week, in correspondence to my workout.

This brings me to maybe the most important segment of  this blog. in fact let me high light that for those that are still at the top MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE BLOG TO READ HERE ... ok, that should do it. This is important for you to consider when you are looking into dieting...

I had an individual send me a facebook message asking the following question:
  • "i must ask
  • what is your opinion on dietary fat?
  • i see your posts and photos on fitness
  • and when you have some time i want to know how you feel about how fats are perceived in society today with respect to weight loss and fitness
  • what i really want to know is if you cut calories and believe in 'over-eating.'"

    And to keep it simple, this was my reply"
    Well John, dietary fat is healthy fat. I believe in eating a balanced meal of protein, fat, and a little carbs, for the everyday person. Our society has been cleverly marketed to, or should I say lied to. Everyone seems to be under this very misinformed impression that in order to lose weight, you must not eat any fat; buy fat free, low fat, sugar free, etc. Even many of the prepackaged "low carb" items are hiding truths about their processed ineffectiveness, such as sugar alcohols. That's all false. I believe in eating balanced, real foods.. not the packaged items, not the salads from mcdonalds. I believe in science. There are calculators out there that will tell you exactly how many calories to eat to maintain, lose, or gain, depending on your goals. I believe in the chemistry of the body. cutting calories works, but for short periods of time, and tend to not have lasting results (unless you began super obese). There are also calculators that will tell you how many grams of protein, fat, and carbs one should intake (which I believe is more important than counting calories, although knowing the correct amounts of these will give you your appropriate daily calorie intake). So, short answer, No, I don't believe in those things. Companies like Slim fast, Special K Challenge, even some supplement companies all anger me because they are perpetuating the health problems of our society and profiting off societies ignorance.

    In all, it takes fat to lose fat 

    Please keep that response in mind as you work on your own diet and exercise regimen. I don't want to have to repeat myself, now.

    Moving on!

    Heather's Stats:

    Weight 118.8Lb.
    BF %: about 15-18% (again this could be + or - 4% as the hand held readers can be off by that amount)

    It would make me happy to get down to 110Lb.  with 9-11% BF... we shall see what Josh has in store for me.

    To give you an idea of what I look like right now, visit my previous blog and you will see my progression pics, I am currently between March and April. This is good for building muscle. 

Well I am off to the gym to train myself now, it is 7:40pm... go time! See below for inspirational photos!