Saturday, April 14, 2012

4 weeks out... Holy S***

Hello Folks! So, now that I have gone public with this whole thing via the FB contest through WBFF and Ink Magazine, I figured it was time for an update.

If you are just now tuning in for the first time, let me give you a quick update. Since mid to late January I have been training for a fitness competition with the World Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation (WBFF).  My blog is called October's Hope because when I originally began my quest for ultimate fitness(hehe), I started alone, and did not think I would be able to compete until October... Then I met my trainer, Jackie Anderson. To my surprise, she told me I would be able to compete in May. Now I will be competing in the US Central Championship with the WBFF on May 12th, 2012, and I am terrified lol. Before the show Ink Magazine and WBFF partnered up together to have a preshow contest, which is why I asked for all your votes.

I have been using this blog as a medium to cope with my uncomfortable feelings, posting my workouts, diets, progress, transitions, frustrations, hopes & dreams, inspirational photos, tips, but most importantly it has been my form of public accountability. I feel very vulnerable, and many times embarrassed, but I know that it will all be worth it in the end.

My secret is that my dream is to do everything fitness related. Training, competing, photo shoots, nutrition, own a gym, provide space for competitions, be a sponsor, teach others, start children's programs for health awareness, I WANT TO DO IT ALL! I want to inspire people , I want to BE INSPIRED!

I know I've just begun to get started in all this, but I have found my passion in it, and I want to keep doing it for as long as I can.

Well, that is enough passion for one blog in a day... see below for my current workout, diet, weight, and progress shots.

A.M. Cardio- 1 hour (includes HIIT 3 times a week)
Monday- biceps/shoulders
Tuesday- legs
Wed- just cardio 30 min
Thurs- triceps/back
Friday- legs
Sat-just cardio- 30 min.
Sun- OFF
P.M. Cardio after weights 30 min.

oatmeal with Blueberries, egg whites
protein shake & almonds/wlnuts
chicken and green veggie, brown rice
chicken, veggie, brown rice
egg whites
protein shake

weight: 120.5
body fat percentage- about 18-19% (the BF measurement thing at the YMCA said I was 15.5%, but those can be off by about 4%)

As you can see in the pictures below, I have made significant progress since the shot I submitted for the preshow contest with Ink Magazine. I can't wait to show everyone the final result at the show!


  1. Definite progress! I'm so excited to see the final result. You make me want to do this!

    -Katie Hennes

  2. Hot mama! After this is done, I want your help training! -Jessica White
